Terre Armée in France - Expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.


Architectural finish


Terre Armée offers the possibility to customize the appearance of your structures with various architectural finish options.

Slope stabilization


Terre Armée offers solutions for slope stabilization using steel mesh barriers and drapery, and MSE wall bunds to manage slope stability.

Reservoirs and canals


Terre Armée combines Reinforced Earth® MSE solutions with geosynthetic products to build reservoirs and canals.

Embankments over subsidence


Terre Armée supplies engineered and cost effective solutions for the construction of embankments over subsidence using geosynthetic reinforcements.

Embankments over piles


Terre Armée supplies engineered and cost effective solutions for the construction of embankments over piles using geosynthetic reinforcements.

Embankments over soft soils


Terre Armée supplies engineered and cost effective solutions for the construction of embankments over soft soils using geosynthetic reinforcements.

Arches and boxes


Terre Armée designs and supplies materials for the construction of engineered structures using arches and boxes.

Geosynthetic containers


Terre Armée and subsidiaries around the world supply geosynthetic containers used for various applications.

Hydrotex®formed concrete mattresses


TechRevetment™ is a durable and flexible geosynthetic based solution for erosion and scour protection for riverine and inshore applications.

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